Humanities Homework Help

San Diego City College The Case for Not Being Born Analysis Essay


Read (Links to an external site.), then write a 2-page paper summarizing David Benatar’s (not Joshua Rothman’s) argument through the Toulmin Method while analyzing the effectiveness of the author’s argument.

You’ll only have two pages to complete this assignment, so make sure you don’t try to summarize and analyze everything within the argument. Instead, it’s best to choose two Claims and analyze how effectively they support the Main Claim (with one paragraph each) through the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of their Reasonings, Warrants, and Rhetorical Strategies. Remember that it’s not enough to just claim that the author’s argument is effective or ineffective, but rather you need to prove to me that it is effective or ineffective. To do so, you’ll need your own analysis of the argument, along with quotes from the text cited in standard MLA format based on paragraph number: (Rothman par. 4).