Humanities Homework Help

Roman Pantheon Discussion


The purpose of this discussion forum is for you to demonstrate that you can 1) apply formal analysis in discussion of Greek elements appropriated in Roman building 2) recognize the uniquely Roman contributions to architecture and 3) communicate how the formal elements of building design reflect the values and beliefs of the Romans


  • 1st paragraph – Briefly describe the function and purpose of the Roman Pantheon in ancient Roman times? Why was it built and for what purpose? Where is it located? What distinguishing characteristics make it recognizable?
  • 2nd paragraph – What aspects of Classical Greek architecture are appropriated in the Roman Pantheon? In other words, what elements of Greek temple building did the Romans borrow when building the Pantheon?
  • 3rd paragraph – Finally, what uniquely Roman architectural elements did Pantheon architects incorporate? In other words, what formal elements of architecture did the Romans incorporate that the earlier Greeks did not have in their temple buildings?

Use specific examples in your response. Be sure to define, in your own words, any specific key terminology.