Humanities Homework Help

FAU Perception of Nurses Towards End of Life Report


Introductions need to grab the audience’s attention. Restate your approved topic and explain, specifically how will you introduce your topic in a catchy way.

In a Word document, give specific examples or outline what you think the PowerPoint Introductory slide should look like.

In a Word document, restate your approved topic. Write a paragraph (3 – 5 sentences) to explain how you will introduce your topic in a catchy way. Give specific examples, a story, or a video that will grab the audience’s attention.

Format your Word document:

  • Make your topic a heading 1 using the styles in word.
  • Make the right and left margins 1.5 inches
  • Make the top and bottom margins 1 inch.
  • Double space the document using the tools in Word.
  • Add a Header with your name on the right side
  • Add a footer with the title of your document.