Humanities Homework Help

Palm Beach State College Protein Consumption Discussion & Reply


Post one initial discussion post regarding the topic. Your initial post should be at least 5 sentences and provide detailed and well-thought-out comments regarding the topic. 

  • Post one comment to one of your classmates regarding their initial post. Comments to classmates should also be detailed and share your thoughts regarding their comments…just as if you were having a face-to-face conversation. The discussion post to your classmate should be at least 3-5 detailed sentences. 

Initial Post: Many people relate protein to health and fitness. How much protein do we really need? What is the role of protein and exercise? What are your thoughts regarding protein supplements, shakes, and protein bars?

Respond to this student: We need 10-35% protein daily. Protein helps repair and rebuild muscle. Every time we exercise, we torn our muscles and protein helps rebuilding and and repairing it. Unless we are weight lifter, we can use supplements to supply our body only if we eat less protein from meat, fruits and vegetables. But we are an average person and do exercise in daily basis, we should be ok with out the supplements. I once thought about drinking those proteins and whey supplements but I haven’t really gone thorough research about it. But today, after learning about proteins, Im leaning towards NOT going to take it. Im average person that needs an everyday exercise, but I do not need protein supplements. As a matter of fact, I need to shed those proteins I ate! Or they will or already turned into triglycerides. But rather, will continue to exercise. I have no plan to gain so much muscle (just tone it) therefore, Ill probably wont take those supplements anytime soon. Probably a protein bar, as they are more healthy to snack than chips from time to time.