Humanities Homework Help

Academy of Art University Mental Health and Proposal Discussion


While LA 207 is absolutely a writing class first and foremost, we will be presenting our proposal arguments visually and verbally. Take a look at the assignment sheet (screenshot below) regarding the presentation. You could also see that in the Downloads section.

Your audience for this presentation is different from your reader of the essay. With your essays, your reader is a mystery to you. You don’t know who they are, what they believe, or what they know and don’t know. But in presenting over Zoom in the coming weeks, you’ll have some clue about the beliefs and knowledge of your audience, this class. Consider your own proposal argument and answer these questions in a brief response:

1) What does my class already know about my topic? What will I have to teach them?

2) What does my class already believe about my topic? Where are they likely to agree or disagree?

3) If I can get my class to remember just one thing after my presentation is over, what should that be?

NOTE: To prepare for next Wednesday’s lesson on Proposal Argument Presentation, please study LA Reader Chapter Eleven: Visual Arguments (Downloads section).

NOTE: Your presentation is included in your Participation Grade.