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University of Kentucky Value of Master Degree in Nursing Discussion


Consider the current healthcare delivery models and practice settings. Reflect on how nursing practice is transforming in response to the current demands of the healthcare system and answer one of the following questions:

  1. What differentiates the practice of a master’s-prepared nurse compared to that of a baccalaureate-prepared nurse?
  2. What is the value of a master’s degree in nursing?
  3. What do you consider to be the most essential professional competency for a master’s-prepared nurse practicing in the 21st century?

Refer to AACN Essentials, Chamberlain University Nursing Conceptual Framework and other scholarly sources. Use at least one outside scholarly article to support your position. Provide an example to illustrate an application to professional practice.


American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2011). The essentials of master’s education in nursing.…

Chamberlain University. (2018). Philosophy and framework.…

  • p.16-17

Clark, L., Casey, D., & Morris, S. (2015). The value of master’s degrees for registered nurses (Links to an external site.). British Journal of Nursing, 24(6), 328-334.…

DeNisco, S. M. & Barker, A. M. (2015). Advanced practice nursing: Essential knowledge for the profession (3rd ed.).  Jones & Bartlett Learning. 

  • Chapter 1 Introduction to the Role of Advanced Practice Nursing

Joni ForbusYesterdaySep 3 at 2:20pm

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Hello Class-mates and Professor Walker,

This week, we discuss the value of a Master’s education in Nursing in our ever-changing and complex healthcare systems worldwide.

The master’s prepared nurse has a more in-depth nursing education to provide care with greater competence, leadership, empowerment, assertiveness, and critical thinking skills. Higher education is essential in preparing the leaders of our future. Advanced Practicing Nurses require skills to promote a progressive culture of lifelong learning and excellence, provide care at a higher level of autonomy, and effectively influencing healthcare outcomes by putting research and evidence into practice (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2011, p3-5).

Although I have chosen to advance myself in becoming an Advanced Family Nurse Practitioner and educator, there are many other areas of nursing that a Master’s prepared nurse is certified to fill. Clinical Nurse Leaders, Clinical Nurse Specialists, Nurse Educators, Nurse Practitioners, Nurse Midwives, Nurse anesthetists, and Nurse Administrators require a solid knowledge of nursing competencies (DeNisco and Barker, 2016, Ch 1). These competencies include skills such as physical examination; clinical, organizational, and systems leadership; quality improvement and safety, translating researched evidence and integrating it into practice; informatics and healthcare technologies; healthcare policies and advocacy for change in our pursuit for equitable and obtainable healthcare; interprofessional collaboration, and preventative care for the improvement of patient and population health (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2011, p4-5).

According to Ljungbeck and Sjogren (2017), in a study performed in Sweden with managers, doctors, and specialist nurses, patients had a higher satisfaction rate in seeing an Advanced Nurse practitioner (ANP) than the physician. The ANP spent more time with the patient, coordinated for their nursing needs and medical care, and provided a personalized experience customized to the patient’s wishes. The managers and Physicians saw the ANP as an asset, not only to their patients but as an effective way to control the doctor’s workload. The use of the ANPs has shown to be an efficient and effective way to manage the increasing healthcare needs of the population.

In conclusion, with the ongoing demand to reform our current healthcare system to provide safe, quality care that is both obtainable and equitable for everyone, the need for more Advanced Nurse Practitioners is already a desperate need. It will continue to be so for many years to come.



American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2011). The essentials of master’s education in nursing. (Links to an external site.)

DeNisco, S. M. & Barker, A. M. (2015). Advanced practice nursing: Essential knowledge for the profession (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Ljungbeck, B., & Sjögren Forss, K. (2017). Advanced nurse practitioners in municipal healthcare as a way to meet the growing healthcare needs of the frail elderly: a qualitative interview study with managers, doctors and specialist nurses. BMC Nursing, 16(1). 


It is was predicted that by 2020 there would be a shortage of up to 67,000 nurses ( Dyess et al., 2016). With the bulk of our baby boomers turning over 65 in the next few decades the demands nurses will increase. Unfortunately, our current nurse leaders will also be preparing to retire as well leaving us with the question, who will lead and educate our new nurses?

For the past year and a half, we have seen the extreme importance of health care practice and personnel that are equipped for the challenge of a health care system that is constantly changing the treatments for diseases and the advancements of technology . In order to lead this new flood of younger nurses and teach with advanced knowledge, advanced degrees are necessary. Studies have shown that nurses with master’s degrees are helping to reduce mortality rates in hospitals and often have better scores in patient satisfaction than their counterparts that only hold a BSN.

It has been said that obtaining a master’s degree level of education significantly improves a nurse’s knowledge base and communication skills. The baccalaureate curriculum is just not enough anymore especially if you are working towards certain positions. Many higher-level jobs are requiring more advanced degrees to be considered qualified.

DeNisco, S. M. (2015). Advanced Practice Nursing (3rd Edition). Jones & Bartlett Learning. (Links to an external site.)

Dyess, S., Sherman, R., Pratt, B., Chiang-Hanisko, L., (January 14, 2016) “Growing Nurse Leaders: Their Perspectives on Nursing Leadership and Today’s Practice Environment” OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 21 No. 1.