Humanities Homework Help

UTS Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations Derived from In Situ Air Measurements Chart



  1. Download and open the excel workbook ‘MLO_monthly_CO2 Download MLO_monthly_CO2”. Click on the worksheet ‘monthly_in_situ_co2_mlo’.  You will see 3 columns of data (‘Year’, ‘Month’ and ‘CO2 [ppm]’) with 758 rows.
  2. Select column C (‘CO2 [ppm]’) then, from the ‘Insert’ menu, select Chart, and Line. Your new chart will have CO2 on the Y axis, and the row numbers on the X axis.
  3. Change the range on the Y axis to better fit the data. Double click on the Y axis.  In the ‘Format Axis’ window that has now appeared, change the minimum bound of the Y axis to ‘250’ and the maximum to ‘450’ and hit enter.
  4. Replace the row numbers with years. Right click on the body of the chart and click ‘Select Data…’. A ‘Select Data Source’ window will appear.  Click in the ‘Horizonal (category) axis labels’ field and select the data in column A (from A2 to A750) then click OK. Your chart should now have CO2 plotted against time.  Label the axes as you did in the Week 2 practical, then copy it (right click on the chart and select ‘Copy’, or ‘Save As Picture’ then insert the file into a word document).
  5. Download and open the excel workbooks ‘MLO_annual_CO2 Download MLO_annual_CO2’ and ‘Law_Dome_annual_CO2 Download Law_Dome_annual_CO2’. The ice core data cover the period c. 13 AD (coincidentally, the year that some claim the Greek geographer Stabo published his Geographica, although there is much debate over the precise date) to 2006, when the work of Macfarling, Etheridge and others came to a close.  To bring the Law Dome data up to the present, copy the annual MLO data from 2007 to 2020 and paste it into the Law Dome data sheet.  Now plot the updated CO2 data, remembering to adjust the Y axis to suit the data.  For the data to make the most sense visually, click on the X axis and in the ‘Format Axis’ menu scroll down to ‘categories in reverse order’ and click on it.  As before, label the chart and the axes and paste or insert a copy of the chart into your word document.