Humanities Homework Help

CHDV 160 Acaydia School Language & Literacy Development Activity Planning Form


You are a preschool teacher for 4 years old children. you will plan 1 activities that can be embedded in the curriculum to scaffold in learning strategies to support the development of the child you have been observing. You can pick from the 6 preschool domains. The U.S. Department of Education defines the five domains of school readiness as follows:

  • Language and literacy development.
  • Cognition and general knowledge (including early mathematics and early scientific development)
  • Approaches toward learning.
  • Physical well-being and motor development.
  • Social and emotional development.

The activities must be based on the developmental level outcomes that you documented on the DRDP (2015). Each activity should be planned to support the child’s learning process to the next highest developmental level. You will integrate preschool foundations (minim of 3 foundations for each activity plan), as well as curriculum frame, works in each plan. You are NOT expected to implement the activities in the classroom. You will document each activity on the “Curriculum Activity Planning Form” that will be provided. Attached is the Drdp 2015 rating sheet, Blank Curriculum,Curriculum activity form with explanation, drdp 2015, preschool framework, Please complete the Curriculum activity form. Answer the question and Fill in your answers on the Curriculum activity forms.