Humanities Homework Help

A1BTC Why Study Humanities Convincing Reasons & Study Challenges Discussion


Essay Two –To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child” (Cicero, 1st Century BCE, Roman political leader, philosopher, political theorist.)

Some people argue that in the contemporary world students should only study STEM areas (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and not the Humanities (History, Philosophy, Art History, Literature and Religious Studies.) Clearly, given the seriousness of the COVID-19 Pandemic and climate change, the STEM fields are crucial. But are the Humanities still important and should all college graduates still be required to take at least one or two courses in these fields?

Discuss and evaluate these questions and the quote in relation to the Humanities and to the material we have studied this semester. Does Cicero here give a persuasive reason for taking a class such as Humanities 101? Are there other values or other reasons for studying the Humanities especially in the modern world with health and ecological challenges? Are there arguments against Cicero or against the value of studying the Humanities in a time when STEM fields are so important? In writing your essay made sure you use examples from the materials we have read from different historical periods and different cultures. 4-5 pargraphs