Humanities Homework Help

Academy Education Services The Holocaust in Film Questions


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WARNING: The following film contains very disturbing images and should be watched with caution.

Alan Resnais’ 1956 documentary, La Nuit et Brouillarde, translated as Night and Fog, provides footage that helps to explain the enormity of the atrocities that were committed under the Nazi banner.

The documentary itself has been heavily analyzed, and there are certain scenes (like that on the train) where the uniform reveals that it was actually shot in France. Regardless, the overall authenticity of the message is clear, and the film itself is extremely powerful.

Ask yourself:

How does the footage change your assumptions about the Holocaust? Can we ever come to terms with the true scale of these tragedies?

How does Resnais try to enhance the impact of his film on audiences? Think about what content he chooses to emphasize, and what might be ignored or simplified to tell this story.

If you have seen any other films depicting the events of the Holocaust (ex. Sophie’s Choice, Schindler’s List, etc.) think about the differences in the way the story is presented.