Humanities Homework Help

CHDEV 042 SJSU Culturally Responsive Care and Education Discussion


The following to prepare for Discussions and learning:

Roots and Wings: Ch 4 “Culturally Responsive Care and Education”, Ch 8 “A Culturally Relevant, Anti-Bias Classroom,” and Ch 9 “Culturally Relevant and Anti-Bias Activities”

Anti Bias Education: “Becoming an Anti-Bias teacher” or Ch 3

Choose one quote or idea from each chapter you read for homework that you think is a very important idea or concept. For each, cite the textbook and page number you got the quote or idea from. (2 chapters, 2 books = 4 quotes)

Then, briefly, tell me why you choose that quote or idea as the most important idea in the chapter? What is its meaning to you? For others? Why do you think that this would be an important idea for others to know about? Your paragraph can be 2-3 sentences.

(Requirement book 1. Roots and Wings, Affirming Culture in Early Childhood Programs, by Stacy York

2. Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves by Lousie Derman-Sparks and Julie Olsen Edwards)