Humanities Homework Help

Ashford University Cornell Format and Mind Map Discussion


This week’s assignment will delve deeper in constructive writing by extracting premises.  We will start by watching a few video clips because visual audio clips provide VAK systems of learning.   Remember that we operate all of the VAK’s, but one will be your usual comfort.   This is why it is imperative that students learn via the VAK system when schooling.  Instruction should be and always should have been taught/instructed using the VAK system, as well as the LSI, EQ, DW, Mnemonics, Cornell, Mind Mapping, Meta-Cognitive exploration  and on-and-on. 

That said, let us explore the Cornell  Format first.  For some it will be a refresher, and for others it will be a first-time introduction.  Whichever is the case, please watch the two short video clips now


Its process was created by a professor with Cornell University — has been around 60+ years — still proven to be a golden note-taking method

Now watch the two videos about the Mind Mapping method.


(Founder is Tony Buzan.  You’ll meet him, too!)

What do you think about these two methods being Cornell Format and Mind Mapping?  Have you tried one or both before?  If you have great, if you have not now is your golden opportunity to discover two of the best note-taking methods around.

Remember that Cornell Format is:  NOTES (rich in content);  CUES (extraction of main ideas from your rich notes);  SUMMARY (sums-up the main ideas providing a quick overall reference).  The “SUMMARY” is to be BRIEF.  A Summary is the Thesis Statement.  It has prongs to ease us in to paragraph writing, outlining, research papers, on-and-on.  In a nutshell Cornell and Mapping methods are an organized scheme of thought and explanation. 

I am going to give you two media’s, one is a written media, the other is a video media.  In that way you will be able to test both methods using two different platforms.  Read the article below and then create a Cornell Format and a Mind Map from what you read. Likewise, do the same thing after watching the video. 

ASSIGNMENT #1:  2 questions

WASON’S CONFIRMATION BIAS : James and Lange. 2011. Christian Jarrett, Psychology: The 50 most thought-provoking psychology theories. Metro Books, N.Y., Ivy Press.  

“Back in the 1960s, the British psychologist Peter Wason presented research participants with four cards, each with a letter on one side and a number on the other.  Two had the letter side showing, two had the number showing, rather like this:  B,E,4,8.  The participants’ task was to say which cards they’d need to turn over the test the statement:  “If a card has a “B” on one side, it always has a “4” on the other.”  Most participants said they’d turn over the “B” card, which is fair enough–anything other than a “4” on the other side would refute the statement. However, the majority of participants then mistakenly said they’d turn over the “4.”  Doing so is pointless.  The presence of a “B” on the other side would support the statement, but not conclusively. The presence of any other letter would have no bearing on the statement. The other card the participants should have opted to turn over is the “8.”  If this revealed a “B” the statement would be falsified.  Known as the “Wason selection task,” this and other research Wason conducted showed our strong “confirmation bias” — the tendency to seek out evidence that supports our existing beliefs.  From voting to shopping, to improve your decision making trying considering the reasons against, as well as the reasons for, your current favorite.”

Now that your read the psychology piece, answer these 2 questions:

1)  Which method — Cornell or Mind Map – did you prefer?  Why? 

2)  Write a Summary of what this psychology piece was conveying. Do not write a definition for “summary” rather write what you gleaned from that psy. piece via using a “summary” format.


ASSIGNMENT #2: — 2 questions followed by 1 more question with 5 parts to it

Video:  Life Lessons From 100 Year-Olds [8:04 minutes]

Now that you watched the video, which format did you prefer, Cornell or Mapping?  DON’T FORGET to write your SUMMARY of what this video was about:

1)  Which method — Cornell or Mind Map – did you prefer using while watching this video?  Why?

2)  Write your Summary of what this video piece was conveying.  Do not write a definition for “summary” rather write what you gleaned from that video via using a “summary” format.

NOW answer these remaining 6 questions:  

John Millerton Denerley, 102 1/2 years old

1) What did Mr. John Denerley say he wasted a lot of?   Doing what?

2) What did Mr. John Denerley say would be one regret?


Amelia Tereza Harper, 103 years old

1) What did Mrs. Amelia Tereza Harper say helped her stay strong?

2) What did Mrs. Amelia Tereza Harper say was “heavenly, heavenly, heavenly”?


Cliff Crozier, 101 years old

1) What did Mr. Cliff Cozier say people do way too much of nowadays when faced with a problem(s)?

2) What was Mr. Cliff Cozier uplifting analogy about “baking a cake” ? Explain the analogy.


ASSIGNMENT #3: — 2 questions followed by 5 more questions 

The Speech … Joaquin Phoenix 2020 Oscar Speech.  2:14 min.

Now that you watched the video, which format did you prefer using, Cornell or Mapping?  DON’T FORGET to write your SUMMARY of what this video was about:

1)  Which method — Cornell or Mind Map – did you prefer using while watching this video?  Why?

2)  Write your Summary of what this video piece was conveying.  Do not write a definition for “summary” rather write what you gleaned from that video via using a “summary” format.

Answer this 1 question (5 elements):  

What elements of thought did Joaquin say “is the best of humanity” in us?   (There were 5 STRONG ELEMENTS — try to name each one after listening to his speech) 




