Humanities Homework Help

JMHC My Grandparents Educational Background Discussion


I’m working on a english question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Please do your best on gathering information on your parents, both sets of grandparents, and your own educational backgrounds. Please attempt to gather the following (I, of course, understand that you may not be able to gather all or most of this due to not knowing certain relatives, not having asked these questions of relatives before that sadly passed away, or not having a current relationship with your family or any other reason. I only ask you to do your best. For example, I have no living grandparents, so I couldn’t complete that part – but I do know a bit about their educational histories and I could ask my mom, so I’d include that.

Respond to the questions below for everyone you were able to gather information about (you also must include your own experiences):

  • What kind of schools did they (you) attend? Public/private/religious, secular, large city schools, small rural schools, etc.
  • How old were they (you) when they (you) began school? What was their (your) first response to school?
  • How many years did they (you) attend school? Why did they leave when they (you) did? If they went to college or graduate school – what decisions went into choosing that?
  • Was school a positive or negative experience for them (you)?
  • What are their memories of their teachers? Positive ones? Negative ones? Please be as specific as possible. 
  • How do you think/feel your family’s experiences in school have affected your own feelings/experiences in school? For example, do you think your outlook was shaped by your family’s experiences?