Humanities Homework Help

USC The Decolonizing Methodologies and American Studies Review Essay…

Section #1: Complete Chapter Review

Select a chapter from the suggested Smith text(LINK TO SMITH TEXT ABOVE) for a complete review the chapter – including the Sutton V.I.P. sections – in detail. It will also be necessary to include a critical review of the accompanying Lecture Notes for the selected chapter. A minimum 2 – 4 double spaced document should accompany this chapter information review. There is no penalty for work going beyond the minimum written length requirement.

Section #2: Native News Analysis

Review and critique one (1) article from one of the following Native news websites listed below. Only one (1) news website need to be reviewed for the response.

National Congress of the American Indian (NCAI) – (Links to an external site.)

Native News Online – (Links to an external site.)

National Native News – (Links to an external site.) – (Links to an external site.)

News from Native California – (Links to an external site.)

Indian Country Today Media- (Links to an external site.)

Discuss, in detail – and use a proper citation – the content, scope and topic addressed within the article selected. A minimum 2 – 3 double spaced document is required for the response. There is no penalty for work going beyond the minimum written length requirement.

Section #3: Native Critical Theory

Discuss, in as much detail as possible, the idea/ideology and historic/contemporary Native reference to S/sovereignty. It will be necessary to include examples – which can come from the Native news links and other supporting websites above – of this Native critical theory. Please include all website examples, including the links to the website. A two (2) page minimum double spaced document should accompany this segment. Please note that citations, references, and images – which are necessary to complete this section – are not part of the minimum written length for a response. There is no penalty for work going beyond the minimum written length requirement.