Humanities Homework Help

American Public University System Wk 4 Industrial Revolution Mine Workers Discussion


For your initial post, choose one of the prompts below. The initial response should be developed, and supported with information from the assigned course materials. Note that each initial post must also quote and discuss a specific passage (this means to literally copy and paste, word for word, using quotation marks) from the primary source (firsthand account from history) linked or attached to your prompt. Responses to peers do not need to be as full, but should still contain substantive information and represent more than mere agreement or disagreement. Be sure to indicate the sources you are using (textbook, primary source, lecture), at the point of use, in some fashion. There are no points awarded for use of outside sources. There will be point deductions for the use of such lower-tier sources as encyclopedias, blogs, or dictionaries. The follow up query from your instructor, and your own peer posts, may be about any aspect of the readings or lecture materials.

1. Please read the selections of firsthand accounts of the Industrial Revolution mine workers: Testimony Gathered by Ashley’s Mines Commission. Please quote at least one passage from the excerpts and explain what it tells us about the Industrial Revolution – either the nature of it (urban, industrial, mechanical) or its impact (on working conditions, family life and gender, social classes, natural resources, production, or standard of living). After discussing the excerpts please evaluate the IR. Do you think that overall the IR was a good thing or a bad thing? What factors do you think should be used to evaluate it? In responding to the second half of the prompt, please incorporate the Thackeray and Findling or Maddison readings, the lecture, or the video lecture material from this week “Why the Industrial Revolution Happened Here” (or the Stearns reading selection, which is an alternative to this video, attached below). Clearly state your sources at the point of use.

2. According to the primary source document excerpts, Documents of the Revolution of 1848 in France what were the concerns of the French People in the 1848 Revolution? In your answer, please quote and discuss at least one passage from the excerpts and explain what it tells us about the causes behind the Revolution. After discussing the evidence of the primary source excerpts for France, please evaluate the several revolutions that hit Europe at this time as whole. Do you think that overall they should be rated as successes or as failures? What factors (economic, political, social, short term, long term, etc.) do you think should be used to evaluate them? In responding to the second half of the prompt, please incorporate the lecture, the Sperber readings for this week, or the video lecture material “Nationalism in Europe part I.” Clearly state your sources at the point of use.