Humanities Homework Help

Arizona State University Mental Illness in Correctional Facilities Questions


I’m studying for my Psychology class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Identify and explain how you’d fix a problem in the U.S. correctional system. The problem should be related to correctional psychology.

  1. What is the problem you’re addressing? Explain it.
  2. How is the problem relevant to correctional psychology? Explicitly tie the problem to the definition so it’s clear how this is a correctional psychological-related problem.
  3. Find some source from the “real world” about the problem (e.g., a newspaper story, a documentary, a podcast, popular culture coverage, a legal case, a movie). Evaluate the source – do you think it does a good job of covering the problem? How so?
  4. Explain a solution you think might work to fix the problem. How would you implement your solution?
  5. Describe any problems you forsee with implementing your solution. How might it fail?