Humanities Homework Help

University of London A Visit to The Museum Discussion


The purpose of this discussion forum is to encourage you to visit a local museum and perhaps view works of art from the cultures and civilizations we have covered in our course. For this discussion please complete the following tasks:
1) Conduct some research on a museum you would like to visit. The museum does not have to house art covered in our course, although you might find it interesting to view some examples of works of art we have covered in class, in person. The best museum to do this at is the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles also has a wonderful collection of art from the Americas. I also recommend the Asia Pacific museum which has a small, yet fascinating collection of oceanic art.
2) Post which museum you would like to visit and why. Also include the time frame during which you might complete your visit. You are not required to complete the visit for this class. The purpose of this discussion is to raise awareness as to the incredible resources we have here in the Los Angeles area