Humanities Homework Help

HIST 310 AMU Revolutions of 1830 and1848 Compared to German Italian Unification Essay


You will be expected to answer five identifications and one essay questions. Be sure to include source material, including primary source readings. You may also use outside sources as long as they are reliable, academic sources (no encyclopedias). Be sure to cite information, ideas, paraphrasing, and quotations using Chicago style. Please type your in Microsoft Word.

Identifications (50 Points):

Please pick Five (5) of the following terms/people/events to identify. Your answers need to include an explanation of who, what, where, when, and why it was historically significant. Be sure to include analysis. Each ID is worth 10 points. You need to write in complete sentences (paragraph format). Bullet point answers will not be accepted and you must cite your sources using Chicago style.

Louis Philippe
Napoleon III
Otto von Bismarck
Charles Darwin
Franz Joseph I
“White Man’s Burden”

Essay (50 points):

Please answer ONE (1) of the following essay questions. Use the questions as a starting point in writing your essays. Be sure that your essays include an introduction, thesis, evidence, and conclusion, and are cohesive. Also you must cite your sources (anything that is not general knowledge) You may use outside sources, but be sure that they are reliable. You may not use encyclopedia sources for this course, including sites like or Your essay should be at least 4 pages in length, double-spaced with Times New Roman 12-point font. Please use either MLA style or Chicago style of citation.

1. Compare and contrast the French Revolution with the Revolutions of 1830 and 1848 and German and Italian Unification. What were the causes, events, and results? Which do you argue was more revolutionary? Which was more successful? Why? How did the 19th century ideologies influence both the causes and results of these revolutions? How and why are these events important to the development of Modern Europe?


2. Compare and contrast the development of two European nations in the 19th century. You may choose from France, England, Germany, Russia, Italy, or Austria. How were they similar? How were they different? How were they affected by the changes and developments of the 19th century? Which do you argue adapted more successfully? Why? How do you refer the state of each of these nations on the eve of the 20th century?