Humanities Homework Help

DSCC Sociology Childrens Behaviors & Gender Discussion


Module 4 Writing Assignment

Chapter 11:

Watch the video on the blue/brown eyes experiment. Give a summary of it. Apply at least two textbook terms that specifically helps to explain the children’s behaviors. Identify what behaviors change in the children. What happened with their timed test with the memory card pack?

The last videos linked are 3 sections of one long video entitled “The Shadow of Hate”. Just watch one section and identify one significant group that was discriminated in our nation’s history and two statistics stated in the video about them.

Research and identify two specific programs that have been created to improve racial relations in our society. Briefly explain them and state how these ideas would help. Identify one connection to the textbook

  1. Chapter 12:
  2. How is children’s play influenced by gender roles? Think back to your childhood. How “gendered” were the toys and activities available to you? Do you remember gender expectations being conveyed through the approval or disapproval of your playtime choices?
  3. Find a recent article in the news about gender/sex discrimination and give a summary. Cite your reference. Identify and connect 2 textbook terms to this example to explain it.

Share an experience you had or witnessed of gender, gender identity, or sex discrimination. It could be a personal situation or a system example such as treatment at a job, in the classroom, or housing. Connect 2 textbook terms to this experience that helps to explain why it happened.