Humanities Homework Help

University of New Hampshire in Group Favoritism in Social Life Discussion Questions


PROMPT #1: In-Group Favoritism

Generate a list of 3 examples of in-group favoritism that can be observed in social life. For ONE of these discuss:

  • What favors or privileges do members of the group provide each other?
  • How do members of the in-group and out-group likely feel when favors or privileges occur?
  • What are the unintended consequences of in-group favoritism at large as they relate to your example?

ACTIVITY/PROMPT #2: Research on the Presentation of Self

Sometime this week initiate a 5-minute conversational interaction with someone who is an acquaintance to you. During this interaction pay close attention to how impression formation and impression management are present in the interaction.

After the interaction post a response here that tells us about your interaction and how some of this week’s key concepts come alive in everyday life. Be sure to touch on the following points:

  • What information did you gather about the acquaintance as you formed impressions of them (e.g., physical appearance, social group membership, verbal or nonverbal expressions, status symbols)?
  • How did you decide what information to share or not share about yourself in the interaction?
  • What statuses did you take on, and what roles, characteristics, and attitudes are important for playing them appropriately? (e.g., How did you act? What verbal or nonverbal expressions did you use? What were you thinking about how you presented yourself during the interactions?)
  • In what ways was your “presentation of self” influenced by the impressions you formed of the other person?
  • To what extent was your successful performance dependent on the performance of others?


As discussed in the lecture, generate at least 10 answers the complete the sentence “I Am….” (in the lecture I say 20, but for purposes of the discussion board 10 is ok!) Then, next to each answer, list the social institutions(s) that you see as related to this identifier. If needed, revisit from past modules/reading what a social institution is. Share your completed exercise on this thread along with your thoughts on how this exercise helps us to understand the self as a social entity. Can you think of any aspects of your identity that aren’t ties to a social institution in society?