Humanities Homework Help

Social Psychology and Self Serving Bias Discussion


I want two different explanations for these 2 assignments. It is for 2 different students, so everything you do for one student, you do for the other. so we will have 2 answers to question 1 and 2 answers to question 2 with different wordings. Altogether I will have four answers. No references needed.

1. One Page Paper Assignment – Social Psychology( 2 answers)

This is a multi-part question. Please answer each part to earn full credit:

What is the Self-Servicing Bias?

Give an example in your life of the Self-Serving Bias.

In what way is the Self-Serving Bias ‘good’? Explain.

In what way is the Self-Serving Bias ‘bad’? Explain.

2. Discussion board (2 answers)

Describe a situation where you experienced severe Cognitive Dissonance. Why did the dissonance occur? How did you resolve the dissonance?