Humanities Homework Help

Effect of Counseling on Children at Risk of Sexual Abuse Discussion


The Course is Human Services Foundations Counseling Social History

Using the library resources available to you, identify three peer-reviewed journal articles to support your communication skills paper. In the designated discussion topic, list the three articles you’ve identified, provide a summary (100 words for each article, totaling 300 words) and provide the author and publication information for each article in an APA-formatted reference.

Peer-reviewed journal articles are required for this assignment. All students have access to the college’s Stafford Library and can access journal articles there. If you don’t know how to use the library, librarians are available to assist you. Please provide them with sufficient lead time to help you. Please note that material from websites, Wikis, and sources of popular media, such as PsychCentral, Psychology Today, and other such sources will not meet the criteria for a peer-reviewed source.

You will also need to reply to two of your classmates’ posts and comment on interesting findings you noted in their article summaries.

Note: Appropriate in-text citations are expected in the summaries to credit your sources. Do not copy material word-for-word from these articles without using quotation marks and citations as needed to give proper credit to your sources and to avoid plagiarism.