Humanities Homework Help

Reedley College Fitness Center Case Study and Video Essay


Write a 400 minimum word summary/essay about the video, as a representation of your personal thoughts.

– Did you disagree with any part of the video? Why?

– Did you agree about any part of the video? Why?

– What was the most interesting thing said?


Case study #1 You are the new fitness manager at Top’s Fitness Center. You

Have taken over a job that has a high turnover rate. You are the third (3rd) fitness manager

in 5 years. The personal trainers at Top’s Fitness are not performing up to par and the customer

service continues to have bad reviews online. Your new staff is not very

receptive to you and what you are implementing in to the company. You spoke to a

few co-workers, and they all plan on leaving the company at some point (soon). Top’s

fitness is performing below the performance levels of other local fitness

centers in your geographic landscape, which indicates that gym memberships are 20%

lower than the lowest performing fitness centers within the same community. 700 words