Humanities Homework Help

Los Angeles Valley College Anti Racism Team Discussion


I’m working on a sociology discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

  • Watch an interview with Dr Ibram X. Kendi as he discusses anti-racism and so much more. You can watch the interview by clicking on this link (Links to an external site.)
  • After you have watched the video I would like you to answer the following questions:
    • In the interview Kendi discusses the battle between segregationist ideas and assimilationist ideas. Kendi believes that these two categories of ideas are essentially fighting a larger battle against anti-racist ideas.
      • I would like you to first break down the argument behind segregationist ideas and assimilationist ideas. You can do this by discussing Kendi’s view point, or apply reasoning/examples from chapter eleven, or your own personal opinion. Ask yourself, how do segregation and assimilation differ? What similarities do they have?
      • Then I would like you to discuss how these ideas ultimately push back against anti-racist ideas.
      • Lastly, I would like you to explain why identifying as anti-racist is different than identifying as not racist.