Humanities Homework Help

Western Kentucky University Function of Literature in Modern World Paper


For Paper 2, you will need to re-read Tim Gillespie’s article we read at the beginning of the semester: “Why Literature Matters” (located under this tab).

Here is the prompt:

“In 1300 words or more, prove how Tim Gillespie’s ideas about the function of literature in our modern world is shown in one or more of the plays we read for the Drama Unit.”————————————-

This article will help provide the context for why we are reading what we are reading in this course.

Citation information: Here’s what you need to know about this article so you can apply it to the documentation pattern discussed in the videos under MLA Overview.

“Why Literature Matters” is an article from a scholarly journal called English Journal.  Notice that the title of the article is in quotation marks and is not italicized. Notice that the title of the scholarly journal that published it IS italicized.

The person who wrote the article is Tim Gillespie.

The article has page numbers (see bottom left of each page). To create an in-text citation, you would use Gillespie’s last name plus the page number and put parentheses around them. For example:  (Gillespie 19) would indicate the quote you are using came from his article on page 19.

This article was published in December 1994. The journal has a volume number and an issue number: It is volume 83, issue no. 8.