Humanities Homework Help

How Plants Grow Museum Exhibit Discussion


In the Module 1-4 assignments, you developed a museum exhibit/unit. In this discussion, provide a one paragraph overview of your museum exhibit/unit in the body of the original post and then attach your museum exhibit/unit to share with your colleagues. Form the museum exhibit/unit by copying and pasting the three integrated, thematic displays/lessons into a single document. Share at least one positive comment and a suggestion for extension for each of your colleagues.

In this discussion forum, you will share with your classmates your museum exhibit/unit from Modules 1-4. You will also comment on the work of at least two classmates. No APA citations are required.

Creating a museum provides experience from a student perspective. Problems arise between technical skills and desired outcomes. Limited knowledge feeds opportunities for inquiry.

You will reflect on the experience of creating the exhibit/unit in this Reflection assignment.


Step 1. Create a Word or text document for your Reflection. Use 12-point Arial or Times New Roman font. Use APA format for the paper, title page, references page, and in-text citations.

Step 2. Create a 4- to 6-page paper. Include an introduction and a conclusion.

Step 3. Reflect upon the experience of integrating content, incorporating the new literacies, and differentiated instruction to meet a range of needs for students that you had during creation of your museum exhibit/unit.

  • Did the completed exhibit/unit lead students to answers for the essential questions? Did the inclusion of the new literacies impact student engagement?
  • Based on the experience of designing the exhibit/unit and the feedback you received from a peer, are there any modifications that you would make to your exhibit/unit?
  • How did creation of your exhibit/unit impact you, as a teacher?

1. Reply: The title of my museum exhibit is How Plants Grow. I have done this unit with my third grade classroom 4 years in a row, and all my students seem to enjoy it. In the museum exhibit, the students will go through the parts of a plant, parts of a seed, a science experiment, new vocabulary words, what plants needs to grow, and the plant life cycle. I incorporated different types of new literacies throughout the lessons that I think helped enhance the student thought process and provided my struggling learners a variety of ways to interpret the information being taught. I used books, videos, projects, small group rotation, hands-on activities, and interactive book making to promote new literacies and opportunities for all different types of learners within my classroom. By making this museum exhibit for this class, I have added new pieces to this unit that will make it more engaging the next time I teach it. Modules 1-4 allowed me to really put thought into the three groups of students in the class; average, struggling, and advanced. That is something I need to do better as an educator, and these modules helped me do just that.

2. Reply: My exhibit/unit is created for a life skills special education high school classroom. I have students that range in grade levels from 9th through 12th and the students functioning between a 1-year-old level and a 1st grade level. This unit focuses on the skills of learning how to make purchases in the community. Teaching in a life skills classroom, our entire program is focused on getting the students as independent as possible prior to aging out at 22 years old. Learning how to make purchases for themselves is a vital life skill that the students will need in the future to be independent. In the unit the skills range from students learning how to identify coins and their values through making purchases of up to 5 items that cost no more than $10.00. The students also focus on determining what items are needs versus wants and of those items that are needs, which rooms throughout a house the items belong in. Throughout the unit the students will typically be broken into three separate groups based on their ability levels. The students are completing both hands on activities and activities through the computer that focus on the ultimate goal of being able to making purchases. Knowing these skills will help the students to be more independent in the future.