Humanities Homework Help

HCA 420 Pima Medical Institute Tucson Social Science Disaster Preparation Paper


Often there is conflict between federal, state, and local jurisdiction as to who is responsible to respond during a crisis.

For this assignment, construct a two full page paper (paper body not including cover and reference page) that describes the role of federal versus state/local government agencies during a major disaster or event. Describe what federal agencies you might find in a localized state disaster response, and what are their respective roles? Things to consider might be what triggers federal involvement versus a state-only response.

You should use information from at least 4 peer-reviewed and credible resources (not the textbook) to support your paper.

Points Possible: 35

25 points for content, addressing all areas listed in the assignment

5 points for utilization of Level 2 writing guidelines

5 points for citing references