Humanities Homework Help

Texas Tech University The Lottery by Shirley Jackson Symbolism in Stories Discussion


Read the story The Lottery by Shirley Jackson apply a close reading to the text, and think about what any deeper meanings might be found. Look specifically for symbolism. Then, dig through the story and look for anything that might be a symbol. Things to consider: how do you know something is a symbol? How are these symbols described? Are there patterns that connect any symbols together?

Remember, as the “reader” you get to identify what pulls literary devices together to create meaning in a work.

I would like for you to complete this exercise as best you can without looking the works up in any secondary sources (the internet, library, etc). The point of the exercise is for you to derive the meaning.

Then, write two paragraphs, discuss the symbols of the story, and how it helps define deeper meaning in the work. Please use at least two quotes from the work.