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SNHU Childhood Maltreatment and Problematic Social Media Use Discussion & Responses


Discussion 1: Attachment Theory

The adolescent stage can be described as a time where there is a loss of innocence and a preentry into adulthood. A large part of being an adolescent is beginning that process of stepping out into the world and learning about oneself as a unique and autonomous individual. This movement out into the world is contingent upon the knowledge that this young person will have a safe and secure home to return to at the end of the day. If a traumatic loss or event has occurred in the adolescent’s life, there may be no safe base to which this individual can return. Attachment theory teaches us that a young person’s ability to attach/engage with peers, family, and other potential support systems is an important aspect of the developmental process. During the adolescent stage of development, assessing attachment styles is important because it provides a window into how the adolescent relates to others, which allows the clinician to choose the appropriate intervention.

For this Discussion, choose either the program case study for the Bradley family or the course-specific case study for Brady.

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By Day 3

Post an application of the attachment theory to the case of either Tiffani or Brady. Discuss the connection between his or her attachment style and the exhibiting behavior.

Support your posts with specific references to this week’s resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references

By Day 5

Respond to at least two colleagues who identified a different case and provide feedback on client attachment style and exhibiting behavior.

Colleague 1: Katherine Keen

RE: Discussion 1 – Week 4


Post an application of the attachment theory to the case of either Tiffani or Brady. Discuss the connection between his or her attachment style and the exhibiting behavior.

Gross et al. (2015) describes attachment theory as the phenomenon in which children and parents form an attachment bond, an affectional tie of a child to their care giver that is emotional, long-lasting, person detailed, and involves the child’s attempts to use the caregiver as a secure base from which to explore and a safe base in times of threat. Parental response to a child’s needs influences the quality of the child’s attachment bond to the caregiver (Gross et al., 2015). A record of sensitive parental responses cultivates secure attachment styles, in which the child seeks comfort from the parent and appropriately behaves in the phase of exploration (Gross et al., 2015). Contrarily, neglectful, or inconsistent parenting can cause the child to develop an insecure attachment which includes avoidance, high levels of distress, and failure to receive comfort (Gross et al., 2015). Finally, disorganized attachment styles are formed from children experiencing frightened or frightening caregiving (Gross et al., 2015). A disorganized attachment consists of a lack of coherent strategies for regulating distress and maintaining a proximity to a caregiver (Gross et al., 2015). A child’s attachment style is related to particular behaviors, expectations, emotional regulation, effortful control, and motivations (Gross et al., 2015).

In the case of Tiffani Bradley, I believe she displays a disorganized attachment style. I believe this because of the trauma that was present in her childhood. Not only was she sexually abused by a family member, but her parents also had substance use problems that affected their ability to be present parents (Laureate Education, 2013). Tiffani reported that during those times no one seemed to care, so she saw Donald as her savior and the only person that “truly” loved her (Laureate Education, 2013). Tiffani saw her parents as people who were supposed to care about her, but when she sought comfort from them, she was left in frightening situations. Child maltreatment is one of the most important causes of disorganized attachment (Baer & Martinez, 2006). Research shows that those with disorganized attachment styles exhibit poor developmental outcomes, problematic stress management, and risk of externalizing problem behavior (Baer & Martinez, 2006). We can see the effects of the maltreatment Tiffani experiences in her running away, risky sexual behaviors, bond to Donald, and thwarted definition of love.


Baer JC, & Martinez CD. (2006). Child maltreatment and insecure attachment: a meta-analysis. Journal of Reproductive & Infant Psychology, 24(3), 187–197.

Gross, J. T., Stern, J. A., Brett, B. E., & Cassidy, J. (2017). The multifaceted nature of prosocial behavior in children: Links with attachment theory and research.

Social Development, 26(4), 661–678.

Laureate Education (Producer). (2013a). Bradley family: Episode 2 [Video file]. Retrieved from

Colleague 2: Felicia Adeniran

RE: Discussion 1 – Week 4


According to the attachment theory, children organize their relationships is a form of hierarchy with one preferred attachment in which is usually the mother (Turner, 2017). Mary Ainsworth described three different attachment styles. These include insecure-avoidant, secure, and insecure-ambivalent (Turner, 2017). In attachment theory, the ‘felt security’ increases the capacity to experience stress without being overwhelmed (Foley, Nash, & Munford, 2009). Humans need nurturing relationships with one or more caregivers to develop into healthy individuals (Turner, 2017). Protest, despair, and detachment are the causes of the problems that relates to attachment theory.

There is a connection between Tiffani and her attachment when exhibiting her behavior towards her mother, sister, and Donald. Growing up Tiffani had a poor connection with her mother and father. After her sexual abuse experience, she chose to leave her environment. When she left she detached from her family, including her mother and sister. Tiffani found Donald and found a sense of security with him. Attachment theory defines and explains the causes of this problem because Tiffani has been attached to a specific caregiver that is her protective role.

Although, attachment relationships typically involve the parents, in this case Tiffani’s attachment relationship involves her pimp (Turner, 2017). According to Gross, Stern, Brett and Cassidy (2017), attachment security refers to the individual’s capacity to seek comfort from a meaningful figure when in distress and, once soothed, to become available to explore the environment and acquire new learning experiences. Tiffani has found emotional support and a feeling of continuity and comfort with Donald, especially as she was going through a stressful moment in her life (Gross et al., 2017)


Turner, K., & Lehning, A. J. (2007). Psychological theories of poverty. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 16(1/2), 57–72. doi:10.1300/J137v16n01-05

Gross, J. T., Stern, J. A., Brett, B. E., & Cassidy, J. (2017). The multifaceted nature of prosocial behavior in children: Links with attachment theory and research. Social Development, 26, 661-678.

Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. M. (Eds.). (2014a). Sessions: case histories. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader]. – The Bradley Family (pp. 17–19)