Humanities Homework Help

VC Hinduism Have a Belief System About Karma Discussion


I’m working on a religion question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Hindus believe that how one acts in one life determines their experience in the next life (karma). We have “westernized” karma to mean how one might be “paid back” in this life for bad deeds. For an original post – in 100 words – Do you subscribe to either type of karma? How does it work in your belief system?

In another file, The caste system of India and Hinduism has been much misunderstood at times in the West. To help you get better knowledge of it, after reading in the text, watch this supplemental short video:

Understanding India’s Caste System (Links to an external site.)Understanding India's Caste System
Image result for caste system
Then, in 250 words, identify which caste best defines your current “lot in life” or your desired social/occupational status. Do not spend much time explaining the caste level, but connect its historical traditions to you.