Humanities Homework Help

UCB Direct Experience and Mindful Drinking of Tea Discussion


Response #2: How Direct Experience and Mindful Drinking of Tea Have Shaped Your Perspective on Tea and Your Daily LifePlease reflect on the following questions. Your response should be two pages long double spaced. You do not need to answer every question but try to answer at least a few different ones.

1. How has mindful tea drinking changed/shifted your mindset?

2. Have you incorporated any lessons from class in your daily/weekly routine?

3. Favourite tea of these few weeks + why?

4. Reflect on the differences between teas.

5. Master Da Xing always emphasizes that we must focus on the tea in front of us — that this sip will be different from the next sip. What are your thoughts? Have these comments changed the way you live your life at all? If you don’t agree, what is more compelling to you & why?

6. What are some thoughts/ruminations you’ve had in the past few weeks that have come out of your tea practice?

7. In having conversations over tea, how have you noticed yourself interacting with others? If it’s different from your normal way of interaction, describe why this environment has surfaced this part of yourself.