Humanities Homework Help

Amberton University Con Internet Censorship Effective Writing Skills Paragraph


Read Chapter 19 and 20 in your textbook and watch these videos relating to your Argumentative Essay TEST:


You may use these links for help:




Instructions: After reading Chapter 19 and 20 in your textbook and watching the videos, you should have a good idea about argumentation. Please read all of the posts from your classmates (unless you are the first post) and then post what argumentative topic you want to do. Topics may include abortion, death penalty, religion in schools etc.


All good argumentative topics can be argued both ways (pro and con). You must have your own topic (no two people can do the same one). You may, however, argue the opposite side of the same topic. For example a person may want to write about why abortion is wrong and another person may want to write about pro choice. This is acceptable.


Do not pick a topic such as “I am going to argue that humans need oxygen to survive.” That is not an argument; that is a provable fact. Remember emotion has no room in this essay. Stick to the facts to support your argument.


Please remember, that I have to approve your topic before you can do it. I will reply in email to each posting on the board so you can make sure you know what your topic is before writing your essay. Remember this is an assignment grade and part of your grade is this post and following its directions.


When you post, make sure you reply to my original post so that all of your topics are under the same post. Do not reply privately. The idea is for everyone to see what topics have been taken.


In the subject line of your post, briefly state your topic and if you are pro or con. For example the subject line will read, “Pro Death Penalty” or “Con Death Penalty.” By doing this it will be easier for your classmates to read and remember what topics have already been chosen.


For now, write a well-developed paragraph about what your topic is and why you chose it.If your topic is unusual, you might have to write a couple of paragraphs for clarity purposes (so that your classmates and I understand).


Note: After the topic is approved by professor, You will have to write a paper of 700-1000 words, on this topic explaining.


Textbook required:


Title: Successful College Writing


Author: Kathleen T. McWhorter


Publisher: Bedford/ St. Martin’s


Year Published: 2018


Edition: 7th


ISBN: 10: 978-1-319-05859-3 or 13: 978-1-319-05859-3