Humanities Homework Help

UCLA Pennsylvania To Auburn Prison System Comparative Essay


Please answer TWO of the following questions. Please limit your answers to 800 words for each question. Do not copy directly from the text, whenever possible use your own words.

This is NOT a research assignment so outside sources are not needed. Grading will focus on critical analysis and depth of examination of the questions presented. Please insure you answer ALL parts of the prompts selected. I will give you the text to help you answer those question

  1. Compare and contrast the Pennsylvania prison system to the Auburn prison system. What were the advantages and shortcomings of each system? Should any of the lessons learned from these two systems be considered in today’s prison practices? Explain your answer.
  2. Discuss two constitutional amendments that have been asserted in the area of prisoner rights. Fully explain each of these rights and how Court interventions in these areas influence the relationship between an inmate and the correctional institution.
  3. Common sentencing options include probation, intermediate sanctions, and prison sentences. How does California’s current sentencing scheme attempt to achieve the goals of corrections by utilization of these options?