Humanities Homework Help

Northcentral Technical College Biopsychosocial Spiritual Approach Questions


  • What is the biopsychosocial approach? How does it explain addiction? What is your view on diagnosing sex addiction? What role does spirituality play in sex addiction? How do you view the disease model in sex addiction?
  • How might you use what you know about the biopsychosocial approach in the assessment stage with a client struggling with sex addiction? What kinds of questions do you think would be helpful to ask?
  • What do you believe are the strengths of the biopsychosocial approach or the disease viewpoint? What are some limitations to consider?
  • What stood out to you as particularly significant in the article? How will knowing about the biopsychosocial approach influence you as a clinician during the treatment planning process?
  • Additionally, is there anything about this approach that is unclear to you? Be sure to discuss any concepts you did not fully grasp with your professor to gain an understanding of it.