Humanities Homework Help

Northlake College Finding Truth in Post Truth World Platos Cave Discussion


  1. Topic 2: Philosophy Bites PodcastHere is a blurb about the podcast from Wikipedia: “


series featuring philosophers being interviewed for 15–20 minutes on a specific

topic. The series, which has been running since 2007, is hosted by Nigel

Philosophy Bites is a podcast

Warburton, freelance lecturer, and David Edmonds…The podcast has been one

of the top 20 most downloaded series in the United States and has over 34


million downloads.”

If you choose this topic, you should do the following:

  • Your objective for this essay is to inform your reader about whatever concept/topic/philosopher/problem is discussed in the podcast, as well as to discuss your own interest in this topic.
  • Regardless of the topic you choose, your essay must include the following:

    • A heading done according to MLA
    • An original title
    • An introductory paragraph that contains your thesis (see this VERYhelpful advice on how to write your intro/begin your essay, and if you areunsure of how to write a thesis, read this advice on developing a thesis)
    • Body paragraphs that develop and support your thesis (here is someexcellent advice on how to structure body paragraphs)
    • A minimum of 3 full pages (your works cited page doesn’t count as apage)
    • A conclusion (see this VERY helpful advice on how to conclude youressay)
    • A MLA works cited page that includes all sources referenced in youressay.Your essay should be double-spaced, in Times New Roman 12 point font; your paper should be written in Standard English and done in MLA format. To submit your paper, click on ‘Essay Assignment’ in the Unit 5 folder. You should attach a file that can be opened with Microsoft Word (doc or docx); do not submit a pdf or type in the submission box.

    Choose one of the podcast episodes that is on a topic of interest to you;

    use this thematically organized list of the podcast episodes to choose an

    episode you want to write about; you may want to listen to a few before

    deciding on one.

    Write an essay that summarizes the podcast episode and discusses your

    reason for interest in this topic.

    In addition to discussing the podcast, your essay must include reference to/discussion of at least one reading

    from our text that relates to the topic of the podcast episode, as well as at least one reference to/discussion of an article/entry (also related to the podcast episode) in either The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy or The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, through quotation and/or paraphrase.