Humanities Homework Help

SSS 572 CUA WK 2 Adulthood Development and Diagnostic Essay


PART A:Selected Ed,

For Ed:

  • As a way to understand Ed’s adult functioning and the challenges he is facing, apply either Erikson’s OR Levinson’s theory to what you know about his life. In your explanation, define the theory and incorporate literature, as well as evidence from the case material.
  • What signs, if any, do you see in terms of a mental health condition for Ed? Define the particular mental health condition(s) you are considering and discuss the additional information you still need to make a solid assessment. Use a peer-reviewed journal as one reference and the DSM-5 to justify your points, as well as information from the case.
  • PART B: Respond to BOTH
    of the following two questions.

  • Overall Considerations:
  • 1.
    In thinking about the
    ways in which middle-aged adults are caregivers in their families
    (simultaneously caring for growing children and elderly parents as they age),
    what role does gender identity, race, and class play in opportunities,
    perspectives, plans, and/or decisions in care planning? Address either care (to
    include discipline) of children/adolescents OR caring for aging parents in your
    consideration of the implications of gender, race, and class on these

  • 2.
    Using concepts from the
    Life Course Perspective, what are the life events and/or transitions, in this
    couple’s life that are most salient? Are
    there historical events or societal trends that are having an impact on this
    family’s functioning? Critique the
    strengths and limitations of taking a Life Course Perspective to assess and
    understand human behavior in general and this family in particular.

    Use your own words to demonstrate your understanding of the concepts. Please
    contribute a minimum of one
    unique reference per question from a peer-reviewed
    to support the answers, with appropriate citations. Additional
    references from the lectures and textbooks may also be used. References and
    citations should be in APA 7 style. If you quote, you must use quotation marks
    and include a citation with a page number for the quote. The references should
    be new to this assignment and not references used in other classes for other
  • Please do not repeat case facts or use class PowerPoints as
    a reference.

    Grading will be based on the accuracy of the answer, the writing style,
    critical thinking, and the use of appropriate literature to support the answer.
    See the rubric at the end of this assignment for more details about grading.