Humanities Homework Help

UCLA Imaginative Works Question



Please respond to ONE of the following prompts in a way that meets the “Minimum Requirements” section below:

  • What role do works of the imagination play in our lives? (Or, in other words, why do we make things up?)
  • Do you think Bukowski’s “form” and “spirit” are helpful when reading works of the imagination?
  • Develop your own open-ended prompt: please clearly state your prompt at the beginning of your essay?

Minimum Requirements

There is no length requirement, but please include the following:

  • Your chosen prompt.
  • A clearly stated thesis that responds directly to your chosen prompt.
  • Discuss at least two works of the imagination. At least one must be required reading from our class this semester.


The final exam is worth a total of 100 points, broken down in the following way:

  • Have you developed a thesis that responds directly to your chosen prompt, states a clear opinion, and indicates why your opinion is important? (20 points)
  • How well have you used at least two texts to support your thesis? (80 points: 40 points for each text)

I will upload some required readings, just pick one.