Humanities Homework Help

Describing Prohibition and Its Impact on Crime Video Questions


Answer the following questions with as much detail as possible while viewing the video. A few sentences or more

  1. Describe Prohibition and its impact on crime.
  2. How did the ‘Roaring’ economy and prosperity of the 20s effect life-styles and attitudes?
  3. Describe the Jazz Age and the Harlem Renaissance.
  4. Using examples, describe how modern technological innovations were rapidly changing American society during this period.
  5. How did “modern” women of the 20’s threaten the “domestic balance” of society?
  6. How were old traditions and morals challenged the ‘Modern Age’ in the 1920s?
  7. Identify & summarize each of the following:
  • Scopes Trial
  • KKK
  • Babe Ruth
  • Charles Lindbergh

8) Who was Admiral Byrd and what great 1926 accomplishment was he known for? What new technology did he use? How did his triumph effect the U.S.?

9) What lead to the 1929 stock market “crash” and what was it’s devastating impact on America?

Please number all the questions and NO OUTSIDE SOURCES besides the video. Answer the questions while watching the video, it’ll be easier