Humanities Homework Help

ENGL 1302 Lonestar College Debate on Student Loan Debt Doesnt Go Far Enough Essay


Can you help me to do the Summary Annotation essay. I will give you all of information, you can check it out and do the essay based on my information which im gonna give. I need the whole essay with 5 paragraphs ( introduction with the thesis, 3 paragraph of 3 ideas, and conclusion ) like the essay formatt. you need to write a 1-1.5 page (e.g. 250-400 words) response/ mini argument to the topic that does the following:

It presents a claim that you think is true. Note: This can be the same/ similar position as the author’s, but it needs to be paraphrased (e.g. written in your own words)

It gives some reasons (grounds) to support your claim. Note: These can be the same as the author’s, but they need to be paraphrased (e.g. rewritten in your own words)

It presents another position/ counterargument re: the topic Note: see opposing viewpoint essay under chapter chosen.

It should NOT be a copy of the summary, but can use elements from it. It can be written in the first person, and should use some analogies, stories, anecdotes, examples, etc. to support your claim and reasons.