Humanities Homework Help

Ashford University Norman Vincent Peale The Power of Positive Thinking Paper


Research Paper Topic:
Submit the final draft of your research paper here. IMPORTANT: Please READ the following:

  • The topic for the final draft must be the same as the topic in the Research Paper Proposal.
  • The research project is worth 15% of your grade. You should put your BEST EFFORT into the final draft.
  • Your teacher can only give you minimal feedback on the final draft due to time constraints. It is up to you to seek help from a tutor(s) before you submit the final draft. I recommend meeting with a tutor two or more times: one time for content and another time for grammar.
  • PLAGIARISM: A plagiarized paper receives a zero. NO EXCEPTIONS. You should check that you documented sources carefully before you submit the final draft. Don’t forget to include a Works Cited.

Documentation & Research
You will need a minimum of four (4) sources listed on your Works Cited page, and those same sources must be used in the body of the essay. NOTE: You can use use once source from class readings or previous work. The remaining sources must be be new.
-Sources should be varied. In other words, do not use all books, all magazines, all journals, etc. You should use a combination of books, articles, and internet sources. You may lose up to 5 points if you do not have a variety of sources. You can view electronic books and other materials through the ELAC Library, although not every book has an electronic version.
-MLA: Don’t forget that you must document your sources in the correct format on your Works Cited page (MLA).

Paper Specifics
-The final research paper must be 1,200-1,500 words (5-6 pages typed) (minimum 5 full pages for the essay plus 1 page for the Works Cited/Annotated Bibliography pages). Assignments that fall below the minimum page requirement will lose points.

Essay Evaluation: The final essay is worth 100 points. The breakdown of the grade is:

1) Structure and Organization (60%):

Introduction: The paper starts with a hook, and includes background information that leads to a strong, on-topic argumentative thesis statement.

Body: The paper must have 6-7 supporting paragraphs (approximately). Each body paragraph begins with a topic sentence that connects back to the thesis. The writer uses research and a synthesis of sources to support assertions related to the thesis.

Counterargument: One body paragraph must present a counter argument with a rebuttal. The purpose of a counter argument is to consider (and show that you are considering) perspectives other than your own. Even though the other side is considered, a rebuttal brings the reader back to the student writer’s argument, ultimately making it stronger. You should review the “counter argument” materials linked on Module 14 to throughly understand how it works. The video “How to Write a Counter Paragraph” by The British Council (Links to an external site.) explains what a counter argument is and how to structure it.

Conclusion: The conclusion restates the thesis and offers a closing reflection on the researched topic.

2) MLA Style and Formatting (30%): The writer accurately uses of MLA style and formatting. This includes citation style, use of transitions and signal phrases to introduce sources, paper format (typed, double space, paragraphs indented), and the reference page (works cited).

3) Grammar & Communicative Quality (10%): The essay should display advanced fluency in English and have little or no errors in run-ons, fragments, subject-verb agreement, parallelism.

PLAGIARISM: A plagiarized paper will receive an automatic zero (0 points) in all categories with NO CHANCE for a rewrite. It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that you cite sources and give credit for any borrowed text. Once you submit the paper, you should check the originality report generated by and fix any areas that are flagged plagiarism.