Humanities Homework Help

UCLA Frankenstein Scientific Methods by Mary Shelley Essay


I’m trying to learn for my History class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

Write a paragraph in response to each of the following questions in the text-boxes provided. Here’s a preview in case you want to write up your answers beforehand…

  1. Shelley uses the term “wretch” or “wretched” quite often in the novel. Find at least three examples in order to answer the question: How is more wretched, Victor or The Creature, and why?
  2. What role does Nature (the natural world) play in the novel? Use at least three relevant passages to support your answer.
  3. How does the Creature learned and acquire knowledge, and how is this similar to or different from Frankenstein’s learning process?
  4. At the end of the novel, Walton gives up his quest and returns home, thus seemingly learning from Frankenstein. Do you think he has made the right decision?
  5. Some scholars have used Frankenstein to argue against the development of new technology such as cloning. Others have argued that the problem was not with Frankenstein’s scientific methods but with his responses to his creation – that we should develop cloning technology but use it wisely. What do you think? Where did Frankenstein go wrong; what could he have done better?