Humanities Homework Help

UNAHVS Critical Cultural Theory Marxist Approach & Social Philosophy Discussion


50-point Grade Scale


Excellent…above average accomplishment of task. Clear and detailed points.


Good…above average accomplishment of task, but minor areas of improvement noted…some points clearly explained.


Average…accomplishes task, but significant areas of improvement noted. Missing information.


Below Average…does not fully accomplish task, major areas of improvement noted.


Poor…does not accomplish task.

Directions: In 2 – 3 typed pages (minimum 2 FULL pages), explain your understanding of Critical Cultural Theory, as described in Chapter 5, but in your own words. Then, elaborate on how you would use that theory to describe the current climate of misinformation about the global pandemic and about the 2020 election results.

you dont need the chapter you can google it but I do need to get the book still