Humanities Homework Help

CI 5033 American College of Education Module 3 Absenteeism Paper


Action Research: Analyzing Data, Presenting Results, and Planning Next Step

– Analyze the data from the three sources in your data collection section (Modules 2-3) and finalize the Future Action Plan including potential sources for summative outcomes/evaluation data. You will add to or extend your Module 3 Application assignment paper. This may include additions/revisions based on your faculty member’s feedback. Access the Formative Action Research Paper Outline (Links to an external site.) for use in this assignment. Organize your research paper in this format (headings, subheadings, etc.).


  1. Retrieve your saved action research paper from the Module 3 assignment. Continue adding to and expanding the paper with the additional components. Remember to update the references page in APA format as you make your additions.
  2. Follow the Formative Action Research Paper Outline for headings and subheadings.
  3. Follow the directions to submit your final 15- to 20-page Word or text document.

Analyzing Data, Presenting Results, and Planning Next Steps

So far, you have collected three types of formative data for your action research paper. In this assignment, you will analyze the three types of data you collected. You will solidify your Future Action Plan, including goals and objectives, and carry out a force field analysis (template below). This force field analysis should focus on solving the problem (issue, concern, problem, need) you are investigating through formative action research and not your overall action research plan or the research aspect of your action research.

You are not required to have a complete or detailed plan for summative evaluation of the Future Action Plan, but you will suggest types of outcomes/evaluation data you might collect and choose an appropriate research methodology/design for summative action research in the future.

  1. Retrieve and add to the Application assignment paper submitted in Module 3.
  2. Add a section with the heading Data Analysis. Analyze the data from each of the three data sets (Modules 2-3). Summarize and discuss the results. Look for consistency or a lack of consistency among the data and find themes or patterns that might inform future action planning.
  3. Expand the Future Action Plan (began in Module 3) section to include a complete action plan, including goals and objectives; the force field analysis table, and 1-2 paragraphs elaborating on the contents of the table.
  4. In the Future Action Plan, present preliminary ideas for evaluating the summative outcomes/evaluation of the plan.
  5. Conclude the paper with a section titled Conclusions, Discussion, or Summary that recaps the entire research process and includes reflections.
  6. Review your action research paper, and submit the entire paper in this module.

How to Conduct the Force Field Analysis

  • Enter the goals and objectives for your action plan (action to be taken to solve the problem) in the top cell of the force field analysis table provided. State your objectives in measurable terms. Elaborate on these entries in at least one narrative paragraph.
  • Use the force field analysis to determine factors that may drive or prevent the success of your action plan. Driving forces are different than objectives and are conditions at the beginning and/or during the initiative that may help in achieving goals and objectives. Restraining forces, in turn, are conditions before and during the initiative that could get in the way or make it more difficult to succeed. Think of as many things as you can that could either help or present barriers. This will prove easier and yield a longer list if your goal is narrowly defined and your objectives are specific. List these forces in the table and elaborate on your entries in a narrative paragraph.
  • After brainstorming, first examine the list of barriers, or restraining forces, and determine which among these forces are within your control. Eliminate those that are not within your control by drawing a line through them. (Use strikethrough feature in Microsoft Word.)
  • From what remains on the list, think about how you can take advantage of the driving forces and work to minimize the restraining forces, as you move forward carrying out the action you are planning.