Humanities Homework Help

ENGL 215 Essex County College What Is Good and What Is Evil Discussion


10 thesis Thesis makes a clear, interesting, and argumentative claim. Thesis is argumentative, but either unclear or uninteresting. Thesis is argumentative but unclear and not compelling. Thesis is not argumentative or is undetectable. 0 It is unclear what your thesis is. 6
10 introduction The Introduction prepares the reader for the essay The Introduction mostly prepares the reader for the essay . The introduction partly prepares the reader for the essay. The introduction Does not prepare the reader for the essay. 1 You talk about the existence of evil, but you don’t talk about all the issues you mention througout your essay 6
5 topic sentences Each Body paragraph has a clear topic sentence that prepares the reader for the main topic of the paragrpah. Most body paragraphs have topic sentences that prepare the reader for the paragraph. 4 Some of the body paragraphs have topic sentences about the main point of the paragrphas. None or most of the body paragrpahs do not have topic sentences that match the subject of the paragraphs. 0 4
20 evidence