Humanities Homework Help

INTA 312 The Art Institute of Tampa Design Culture Report


FIREST  It has been established that ‘design culture’ foregrounds the relationships among the domains of design practice, design production and everyday life. Unlike design history and design studies, it is primarily concerned with contemporary design objects and the networks between the multiple actors engaged in their shaping, functioning and reproduction. It acknowledges the rise of design as both a key component and a key challenge of the modern world.

What is your impression on the study of Design Culture? Should we embrace this emergent discipline?, Should we find value in its methodologies, its scope and its relationships with other fields of study? Will it provide interdisciplinary approach and fresh thinking to our interior design practice? Why? Explain briefly.Respond in 250-300 words. 

Project 1: Worship Room / Sacred Space

Assignment Overview

Create a space for worship, prayer or meditation.

Step 1: Assigned Religion Research, Essays, and Sketches

Review your Week 1 Research. Using those salient information, images and sketches; create a conceptual, schematic design solution for a one-room worship space that represents the religion you have researched. Imagine a 200 square feet space which can be located on the main level of any of the following public spaces:

  • Community Center
  • Convention Center
  • Exposition Center
  • Student Center

Use your assigned geographic location of your choosing. Ex. If you are doing in Japan, choose a community center within the site.

Apply the social distancing paradigm that we now enforce. The Worship Space can also accommodate other members of society from the five major religions for prayer or meditation. Your main task is to design this sacred space.

Note: This design solution is only conceptual but must fit the 200 sq. feet of space,. You need a more defined plan with dimensions and designations of entrance / exit points. The objective is to show the creative aspect and conceptual potential that represents the religion you have researched. There is no limit to your creative freedom on this assignment.

Include these communication typologies:

  • Diagrams and plans (scaled or conceptual with dimensions, north arrow sign, etc.).
  • Perspectives or illustrative sketches using graphite, sharpie or colored pencils.
  • Digital presentation to illustrate design ideas (option to use Sketchup, Revit, CAD and other drawing tools of convenience.

Use an architectural poster format of 11 x 17 inches (landscape format only). Your poster should clearly illustrate the religious influence, symbolism, and motifs that are of value from your research and essay from W1RP Research Assignment. Maximum number of pages is two.