Humanities Homework Help

Born a Crime Stories from a South African Childhood by Trevor Noah Discussion


I don’t understand this African Studies question and need help to study.

Topic: In your own words, explain what South African apartheid was all about and discuss three examples that show how Trevor Noah nevertheless found ways to succeed as a mixed black and white youngster who was “born a crime. ”Your essay must be based SOLELY (only) on what you learned about apartheid in Noah, Trevor. 2016. Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood. John Murray Publishers. ISBN-10: 1473635292.

Warning about plagiarism: Do not go online or anywhere else looking for explanations of apartheid or Trevor Noah’s book. Do not copy any phrases or sentences from Trevor Noah’s book or from anything else. Paraphrase instead. No outside sources allowed. The essay has to be “in your own words,” like you would explain it to a friend or family member, or for an in-class essay exam. Students are expected to read the book, reflect on it, and synthesize the material. Summarize and paraphrase things you read in the book – that’s what “in your own words” means. “Quotations” are not allowed; paraphrase instead. Copying phrases or sentences from anything will result in an F, because that’s plagiarism. This is not a collaborative assignment – students whose essays are too similar may be detected by the Turn It In plagiarism software, and be reported to the Dean’s office. Write your own essay and do not collaborate with others.

Length: At least 500 words (minimum required).This is about the length needed to explain apartheid and discuss three examples from the book. Longer is okay, but please try to keep it under 1,000 words. Shorter than 500 words will not considered for a high grade.

Format: Answers must be written in complete sentences and full paragraphs. Please take care to go over spelling and grammar. Essays with poor organization or numerous spelling and grammar problems will not be considered for a high grade.