Humanities Homework Help

University of Virginia Urbanism Seminar Retroactive Manifesto Discussion


Retroactive Manifesto

(1) Students will write an original paper with footnotes citing sources. No plagiarism from written or electronic

sources will be tolerated. Your writing will take a position in relation to at least one of the treatises studied in

class. The topic of your writing can be on any architectural subject of your choice. Your essay must be 2,358

words in length.

(2) You should determine the format in which you will present your argument, such as: printed treatise,

handwritten manifesto, handbook or blog, podcast or movie. The format in part reflects the character and

style of your argument.

(3) No matter the format you select, each writing should also include an image made as a collage. A treatise

can have a cover or frontispiece, a manifesto may be in the form of a poster, a handbook could have

diagrams, etc.

(4) Include a brief ekphrasis so the collage explains itself. An abstract or preliminary draft in the form of a

concrete poem is due at midterm. The complete paper is due at the end of the term.

A preliminary list of concerns of modernity from which you could derive a paper topic:

Urbanization, Height, Warfare, Housing, Isolation, Agoraphobia, Alienation, Fragmentation

Speed, Efficiency, Functionality, Meaning, Monumentality, Objectivity, Alienation, Secularization, Ornament, Color

Social fairness, Uniformity, Identity, Flâneur, Health, The body

Photography, Diagramming, Montage, Expressionism, Surrealism, Abstraction

Mass production, New materials, Material honesty, Skin and bones, Methods

The new, Originality, Boredom, The Bohemian artist


I have the paper already written but got feedback from my prof to fix it (feedback below)