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FIU Importance of Social and Political Action Discussion


I’m working on a psychology writing question and need an explanation to help me study.

Discussion 8 

In Chapter 7, you will read about some of the things that community members expect, and the importance of community collaborations. The chapter also addresses self-help organizations. For this discussion:

  • Define the Helper-Therapy principle as described on pages 192-193
  • Give an example of a self-help group with which you are familiar and describe how the Helper-Therapy principle works for that group

Discussion 9

Chapter 8 stresses the importance of social and political action.

For this discussion:

  • Read the issues and the examples beginning on page 209
  • Describe two of the areas, such as criminal justice, health care, and others, where advocacy might be appropriate
  • Why might advocacy be necessary in the areas you chose?

Discussion 10

In Chapter 9, application of the community counseling model in diverse settings is addressed. These include community mental health settings, career/vocational/employment settings, family counseling and population-specific programs.

For this discussion:

  • Choose and describe one of the settings
  • Discuss how the community counseling model would function in that setting

Discussion 11

Chapter 11 is a very important chapter for community counselors, as it provides much information regarding the logistics of planning and assessing community counseling programs within the community. On page 270, the processes involved in a needs assessment are discussed. A needs assessment is used whenever planning the startup of a new program for the community in order to find out what the needs are and how to best serve clients.

For this discussion:

  • List some of the tools a community counselor might consider in order to undertake a needs assessment
  • Describe three of these tools and discuss why you would use them to assess the need for a new program

Discussion 12

Chapter 12 illustrates desirable competencies for community counselors as identified by major counseling organizations.

For this discussion:

  • Read Appendices A, B, C, and D, beginning on page 311, illustrating competencies in four different areas of counseling
  • Which of the competencies do you still need to learn and/or practice?
  • Which ones do you think will be challenging for you as a community counselor?…