Humanities Homework Help

JMHC Agents of Socialization & Moral Behavior List


Agents of Socialization

Please review the agents of socialization from chapter three. Please make a list of examples of all of your own agents of socialization, number the list and label them in (parenthesis). Then discuss how the agent influenced you.

My list – see if you can guess which one is which…

1. Godfrey – taught me about unconditional love.

2.Mr. T – Taught me to see strength and power as important traits, mostly for males.

3. Mrs. Pollard – Through her, I developed a closed mindset about myself as a math student.

4.Mrs. Bergin – Through her, I learned that I was worthy of love and that there were adults in the world who could be depended on.

5.Rex – Through Rex, I learned about another culture and also saw the perspective of having divorced parents.

6. Katie – Katie taught me about hard work and that it is okay to sacrifice your happiness to get good grades.