Humanities Homework Help

Bowie State University Story Moral Little Red Cap Hansel and Gretel Analysis Paper


*must read the source that I assigned below only. outside sources that I don’t provide are not accepted and will request for a refund.!!!

the assignment is this below ⬇️

Reflection 03 “Little Red Cap” and “Hansel and Gretel”

In the Grimms’ version of the story, the little girl starts out on her journey with explicit instructions from her mother. When at the end of the story, Little Red Cap and Grandmother are miraculously saved by the Woodsman, the moral of the story is clear: obey your mother and beware of strangers. So it is a very different tale from Perrault’s version.

“Hansel and Gretel” recounts how two young children survive two attempts by their parents to kill them. So there’s no question of being obedient to parental authority here. In a story about the treachery of adults, how would you describe its moral? Is a story inappropriate for young children given its plot line?

its a book that has multiple stories and these are the page numbers for the two stories

“Little Red Cap”, start at page 85-88

“Hansel and Gretel” start at page 43-49

the page number is at the end